Our Beautiful Weeping Birch


It’s about 30 years ago that, after living in a neighbouring province, a 15 hour drive away, my wife and I decided to move back to where we are now. Canada is a big place when you move, even just a couple of Province’s away, and we found the 15 hour drive just too far…

How To Install New Sod

how to lay sod

Are you tired of always having the only unhealthy, crunchy lawn in the neighborhood? Who doesn’t want to be the envy of the neighborhood with green, lush grass. If you are wondering just how to maintain your lawn and get it as green as the Jones’ then read these tips: Often house builders scrap away…

Keeping The Birch Leafminer at Bay

birch leaf miner

For many years there has been an annual ritual in our neighbourhood, at or around the first week in June, and the whole neighbourhood get’s in a real stink over it! The “ritual” is the application of an insecticide called dimethoate to the Weeping Birches that grace the yards of many of our neighbours lawns.…

How To Have A Weed Free Lawn

Big Granite: Gardening Tips and Tool Reviews

Have you ever looked out your window only to see a sea of yellow dandelions? While my kids love to pick these ‘flowers’ for their mommy, I personally hate them growing in my grass. I mostly was doing the environmental thing and manually picking the dandelions out but often I find that I don’t get…

Flexible Garden Trug Cleaning

plastic tubtrug

I have to admit I am not the best at keeping our flexible garden tugs in a perfectly clean condition. I often don’t bother at all. But now and then I get inspired to give them a thorough clean, more so I don’t get told off by the Wife than for any other reason. How…

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